Project Information

  • Client:NEAT/USAID
  • Date:02/05/2012 to 15/09/15
  • Place: Nepal

Fertilizer Demand Survey in Nepal

Type of Contract: JV with PRAMA/Kathmandu

Detailed Narrative Description of the project.
Collection of data and information to conduct an analysis of Fertilizer demand to identify constraints and under which conditions it is profitable to purchase Fertilizer, system of Fertilizer distribution, analysis of any shift in derived demand Fertilizer, Collect information on prices and availability of fertilizer.

Detailed Description of the Actual Services Provided by your firm
The total numbers of respondents were 855 farmers, 47 cooperatives, 48 traders and 3 border side traders. Along with that FGD was done in proposed 11 districts. The training to surveyor was conducted by the organization, data collection in field, data analysis and report preparation was done along with fertilizer demand forecast in Nepal for next 10 years.